An Exuberant Manifesto

In Mobilizing the Green Imagination, the uncommon sense that has established Anthony Weston as one of the most persuasive and unfettered voices in environmental philosophy catches fire. Incandescent with hope, this manifesto delights in an excess of technological and moral possibility, without trivialising the challenges to be faced. Leaving diatribe and doomsaying to one side and technocratic myopia to the other, Weston moves in wild leaps of imagination that enlarge the field of environmentalist practice and theory. The result is a vision of sustaining futures that are provokingly unfamiliar from a visionary who embraces our wounded world with rare empathy.
-Aidan Davison - University of Tasmania
Author, Technology and the Contested Meanings of Sustainability
A refreshing perspective for reinventing a livable future. Weston challenges us to expand our imagination to create a better world -- one based on practical and equitable approaches for devising new solutions. This book describes alternative ways to frame the challenges before us and move forward with audacity and courage. Weston invites us to think "outside the box" and re-connect with what has meaning and purpose.
-Andrés R. Edwards, Author,
Thriving Beyond Sustainability and The Sustainability Revolution
From revisioning recycling, building design and on to communicating with other beings on Land and Sea, Weston's skillful verve demonstrates the possibilities and reality for green creativity. He enlivens our awareness to practices that harmonize with the Earth, and its great diversity of cultures, communities and life forms. These are great and inspiring explorations of a new green spirit from a scholar and teacher, who acts, walks and sings his insights. He takes readers from the tiny and local, to the regional, global and cosmic.
-Dr. Alan Drengson, Emeritus and Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria,
and author, Wild Foresting and Beyond Environmental Crisis
Radical social re-imaginings can only occur if we possess creative guides and teachers. Weston demostrates that this creativity is his forte. Whether you wholly embrace his ideas or are merely entertained by them, they contain a creative spark often absent from contemporary environmental writing. As he admits late on in the book, "the details don't matter in the end- but the openings, just possibly, mean everything."
-Christopher Preston, Associate Professor of Philosophy University of Montana, and
author, Saving Creation and Grounding Knowledge
In his new book, Anthony Weston cultivates the rich philosophical ground necessary to design a resilient future for humanity. By illuminating interconnections between sustainability, transportation, cosmology, space travel, and our relationship with the more-than-human world, he paints a comprehensive vision to help us pragmatically and systemically address the world's interconnected problems. Like Allan Savory's Brown Revolution and Gunter Pauli's Blue Economy, Weston's Mobilizing the Green Imagination stands to become a critical component of the spectrum of ecological perspectives that signal the next stage of our collaborative evolution.
-David McConville, President, The Buckminster Fuller Institute